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cinnamon coconut shrimp soup
cinnamon coconut shrimp soup

Discover this Keto diet and diabetes friendly cinnamon garlic chicken recipe. Packed with fat loosing Coconut oil and a generous helping of spiralized vegetables. Don't be alarmed with the amount of coconut oil. This is all good fat. To add flavor and flair we added a dash of Ceylon Cinnamon and of course Oregano and Basil. The combination works very well.

Prep Time : 20 Minutes
Cook Times : 20 minutes
Yield : 1 serving



  1. Marinate chicken thighs with 1/4 tsp Ceylon Cinnamon powder, 1/4 tsp Oregano, 1/4 tsp Basil, 1/4 tsp salt and 1/4 tsp pepper or to taste. Set aside for 20 minutes,

  2. Heat 3 tbs. oil in a deep dish pan over medium heat. Add 1 tbs. garlic and cook for one minute.

  3. Add chicken and fry until cooked, turning over many times so it won't burn. Coconut oil will brown the chicken. About 10-15 minutes.

  4. When chicken cooked add the chopped green onions and saute for 1-2 minutes. Serve to plate.

  5. Using the same pan add the sprialized carrots, a dash of salt and pepper and cook. About 3 minutes and then add the spiralized Zucchini Since carrots take longer to cook we add that first. Add a tablespoon of Coconut oil if necessary but there should be enough oil from the chicken.

  6. Add to chicken plate and eat away.

  7. Ladle into serving bowls and serve immediately. It cool fast if not served immediately. Have it with with some bread if you are not on the Keto Diet.



Unlike ordinary Cassia Cinnamon you find in the stores, Ceylon Cinnamon has low Coumarin levels, so it won't damage your liver, especially if you are a regular Cinnamon tea drinker. Besides Ceylon Cinnamon is mild, yet slightly sweeter. It is not spicy like store bought Cassia Cinnamon, but has hints of cloves and citrus with wonderful subtle aroma.

Ceylon Cinnamon is subtle and adds to create a more complex flavors. You would never know there is Ceylon Cinnamon in this dish, unlike Cassia Cinnamon which tends to be harsh and immediately makes its presence felt and often ruins the recipe.

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