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Cinnamon Crispy Pork Belly Roast

This red lentil soup with Ceylon Cinnamon powder is the perfect addition to your fall and winter meals. Light, simple to make and so tasty. Infused with ingredients that bounce of each other to create a sublime taste experience. Without using any kind of stock. Red lentils are the best lentils out there with high levels of protein and taste. We created this recipe for one person to show you it is easy to make it fresh ever day, just for you. A hearty soup with your meal during fall and winter is so very satisfying.

Prep Time :7 minutes
Cook Times : 45 minutes
Yield - 1 person




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Unlike ordinary Cassia Cinnamon you find in the stores, Ceylon Cinnamon has low Coumarin levels, so it won't damage your liver, especially if you are a regular Cinnamon tea drinker. Besides Ceylon Cinnamon is mild, yet slightly sweeter. It is not spicy like store bought Cassia Cinnamon, but has hints of cloves and citrus with wonderful subtle aroma.

Ceylon Cinnamon is subtle and adds to create a more complex flavors. You would never know there is Ceylon Cinnamon in this dish, unlike Cassia Cinnamon which tends to be harsh and immediately makes its presence felt and often ruins the recipe.


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