These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

The FDA does not grant approval for natural essential oils but only for drugs that claims a specific cure. Which is why we cannot claim that Cinnamon cures anything. However they do have a database of essential oils under the generally accepted as safe (GRAS) category where Ceylon Cinnamon Leaf Oil is listed as safe. Click the link below to visit. We advice people not to consume Cinnamon Oil internally primarily because most people have difficulty mixing the right ratio at home However Cinnamon Oil when professionally mixed like in our tea is generally safe to consume.

FDA GRAS essential Oil

Pregnant women should not take Cinnamon as it may cause premature uterine contractions. You should always consult a physician before taking Cinnamon especially if you are taking other types of medications.

While Cinnamon may have huge benefits, as with all things one should exercise some caution. The recommenced dosage of Cinnamon according to the US Department of health, is 6 grams daily for 6 weeks or less. At this level of Cinnamon appears to be safe for most people. If you pay attention to these factors then you can safely take Cinnamon. We recommend you follow these directions with a week of rest from Cinnamon every 6 weeks.

A minority of people may be be allergic to all or some forms of Cinnamon. Please consult a physician before using Cinnamon. For more depth information about Cinnamon side effects, click here.



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