Dr. Jason Fung – ” The Diabetes Code ” Book Review


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If you know anyone with prediabetes or diabetes, this outstanding book by Dr. Jason Fung is the gift you should give. We have always liked Dr. Fung, having watched him on his many YouTube interviews. But this book is also for … Continue reading

Healing by Suggestion


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We take a look the remarkable power of healing by suggestion. Although still controversial it could be the key treating a huge variety of chronic illnesses from Parkinson’s, chronic pain, irritable bowel syndrome, depression to maybe even cancer. Some say … Continue reading

The Art of Reflexology


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We take an in depth look at reflexology, how to works, what issues it can address and how you can do it yourself. Today reflexology is used by surgeons, physicians, podiatrists, dentists, nurses, midwives, physical therapists as a complimentary and … Continue reading

10 Best Healthy Gift Ideas For 2017


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Finding a healthy gift at a reasonable price can be quite difficult. So we hunted far and wide to find something functionally useful, memorable, of good quality, healthy and great value as a Christmas gift for under $30.  It was … Continue reading

22 Most Dangerous FDA Approved Drugs


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We went on a mission to find the most dangerous FDA approved money could buy, their side effects and possible natural remedies. Despite so called protection for the consumer it appears that the FDA is nothing but a Monopoly enforcer, … Continue reading