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Cinnamon French Toast Cinnamon French Toastbenefits of honey and cinnamonCinnamon French ToastCinnamon French ToastCinnamon French ToastCinnamon French ToastCinnamon French ToastCinnamon French Toast

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Experience the perfect French Toast. The wonderfully sweet and aromatic Ceylon Cinnamon gives this French Toast recipe a certain "je ne sais quoi ". Traditionally French toast is made with old bread. This is because stale bread will soak up more egg mixture without falling apart.



  1. After you assemble all the ingredients Sheat pan on medium heat then start the mixture.

  2. Mix milk, eggs,cinnamon, salt, vanilla and sugar in a flat pan with a whisk or fork until frothy.

  3. Put a 1 tablespoons of ghee butter on the pan and , let it melt. We used Ghee butter which has a smoke point of 465F compared t 350F for butter.

  4. Take one slice of bread at a time and cover it in the egg mixture. Use tongs to handle the bread. You can use your hands but that will only mess up your hands and get the egg mixture all over the place. Let it soak well. We used flat square Pyrex dish to soak the bread.

  5. Let it cook on medium heat for 5 minutes. Turn it over after 5 minutes and cook the other side for another 4 minutes. Don't over cook. The second side will need 4 minutes to cook (as opposed to 5 minites for the first side) since the first side has heated it through.

  6. Remove from heat and arrange on plate.

  7. Plate it - Sprinkle some powdered sugar on the bread, add two strips of Maple syrup and dress with fruit.

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