Why practice food rotation


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Yes, just like crop rotation, food rotation is a thing. Those who tend practice food rotation tend be healthier and live longer. My grandmother lived to a ripe old age of ninety-three and passed away peacefully without a long debilitation … Continue reading

The Confusing World of DRI, %DV and TDI


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Ever wonder what the difference us between RDI, %DV and TDI mean. For most people these values can be confusing so we went in a quest to find out. Not all of us are the same.Calculating the nutrients needs for your … Continue reading

Your Next Doctor Could be an AI robot


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Debbie Ryan was nervous for the first time in 5 years. She was seeing her Doctor. She knew who he was. After all she had many video chats with Dr. Sacks. He was quite good looking, very charming and quite … Continue reading

Shocking benefits of a cold shower


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Will a bone chilling cold shower be good for your health? We got caught up with this possibility in our quest for weight loss. You see, we had reached a stubborn weight loss plateau. With subcutaneous fat that just would … Continue reading