Old Wives Tales that are actually true


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My girlfriend sent me one of those old wives tales articles that said a mixture of honey, cinnamon and lemon can help with weight reduction. I immediately flew into a rage and chastised her for it. This led me down … Continue reading

The case for acute severe hepatitis caused by Covid


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Are we about the hit another pandemic, this time with hepatitis? According to the World Health Organization a mysterious case of acute, severe hepatitis is affecting children between the ages 1 month to 16 years of age with the majority … Continue reading

How to fight food boredom


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Are you bored of food or suffer from food fatigue? Food boredom is very different from a loss of appetite which mostly related to a medical illness like cancer, stress or medication. Food boredom is essentially a psychological condition. It … Continue reading

Why practice food rotation


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Yes, just like crop rotation, food rotation is a thing. Those who tend practice food rotation tend be healthier and live longer. My grandmother lived to a ripe old age of ninety-three and passed away peacefully without a long debilitation … Continue reading