Cinnamon Orange Water

Cinnamon orange water

Drinking water got you down lately? Try this refreshing Cinnamon Orange Water formula. The wonderful citrus taste of fresh orange combines extremely well with the sweetness  and sophistication of Ceylon Cinnamon. The Cinnamon will keep your mouth fresh by killing unwanted bacteria as it is a well known anti microbial. It adds warmth to the sweetness of Orange.  This is the perfect thing for your drive to work, studying or work. Cinnamon is known to boost memory and alertness. And the perfect companion to the diabetic who is taking Ceylon Cinnamon for health reasons.

BPA free water bottle

Boil a large glass of water, add one Ceylon Cinnamon Stick, let it cool and pour into your water bottle. Add a slice of orange and you are ready to go. You can reuse the Cinnamon stick. Throw it away when the taste of Cinnamon goes away. That’s when you know all the Cinnamon goodness has been extracted out. Cinnamon does not spoil as it is a strong anti microbial and preservative.

Remember only use Ceylon Cinnamon because the common Cassia Cinnamon has high levels of Coumarin which damages your liver. Besides Ceylon Cinnamon is so much nicer. Not overtly Cinnamony or Spicy. It’s sweet and sophisticated. Just right.

To purchase high quality Ceylon Cinnamon visit Cinnamon Vogue



Why Are Pyramid Tea Bags Better Than Loose Leaf Teas

Why Are Pyramid Tea Bags Better Than Loose Leaf Teas

The humble Tea bag in the supermarket shelf has been given a tea a bad rap. It’s what you call cheap and cheerful. It is without exception made with cheap low quality tea. Often called tea dust or fanning’s it produces a strong brew at the expense of flavor. In Sri Lanka a strong brew is often referred to as having “ Kahata “ or tea that has a textured aftertaste and tends to be darker in color. Unfortunately these teas lack any flavor. They are insipid to say the least. Utterly devoid of any character. Which is why there has been a rush to loose leaf teas. What I call “ Loose Leaf Tea Snobs ”. So why are Pyramid Tea Bags better than loose leaf teas you ask?

cinnamon vogue tea bagBecause “Triangular Pyramid Tea Bags“ changes all the old rules. It brings a new innovation to tea brewing. The garden variety super market tea bag has limited space inside. Which means only lower grade tea dust could be put into these tea bags. If you put larger leaf high quality leaves inside these bags, they would explode as it brewed. And it wouldn’t brew properly. In order to brew properly, tea leaves have to move around. Only tiny tea dust particles could move around in the tiny space of a traditional tea bag which is the primary reason why tea dust was and is used in traditional tea bags. This meant you got a tea with great color, a strong brew but poor quality.

The Pyramid Tea Bag changed all that in one stroke. Pyramid bags are made from nylon strands that are woven into a small net-like mesh, creating holes in the bag much larger than conventional paper bags. These larger holes allow for water to come in contact with more of the tea’s surface area, thus releasing more essential oils and character into the cup. It also allows for much higher quality larger leaf teas to be inserted into the tea bag.

The pyramid triangular structure of these bags provides space for the tea to move around easily. When you add hot water to the tea bag, the general tendency is for the leaves to move around in a circular pattern as they heat and then cool down. That means the pyramid teabag now duplicates what happens in a teapot or infuser with loose leaf teas. So you don’t have to go through the messy process of adding loose leaf tea to a teapot, brewing it, then straining it. Even a tea infuser involves more steps. Plus you have to measure the right amount of tea. And when you’re rushing to work who has time to mess with infusers and tea pots? Really it doesn’t work. With a pyramid tea bag you have none of that. Heat the water, drop the teabag in, squeeze the bag after 3 minutes (or maybe leave it in), and add honey or sugar and you are done. Now that is convenient high quality. Best of all you don’t look like a Loose Leaf Tea Snob.

Note : Cinnamon Vogue Cinnamon Tea bags can be left in the cup and don’t have to be squeezed. In fact it gets better when you leave the tea bag in the cup. While most tea bags if they are left in the cup produces a bitter after taste, this is not the case with Cinnamon Vogue Cinnamon tea.

That means if you are rushing out to work, you can simply add the water, honey and the tea bag into your car coffee mug and be on your way. And when it gets cold it tastes even better. Not many teas can say that. This what separates a truly great tea with merely an average one.

To purchase high quality Ceylon Cinnamon visit Cinnamon Vogue

Best Christmas Gift for 2012

Best Christmas Gift For 2012
If you want to be unique, creative, considerate and kind, the best Christmas gift for 2012 has to be a Ceylon Cinnamon Gift set.  Not only does it offer a huge variety of health benefits, it has an exotic aroma that is universally liked.  That means it is a great gift for everyone from you mom, girlfriend, boyfriend, aunt,  sister in law, grandmother, coworker, close friend or business client.

For the first time ever in the United States, you can now buy Cinnamon Gift sets.  A wonderful combination of Cinnamon products that will suit virtually anyone. This is not the usual cheap Cassia Cinnamon that you get in the supermarket.  This Ceylon Cinnamon, which is hand crafted by extremely skilled artisans in the tiny Island of Sri Lanka. It’s soft, sophisticated and not over powering like the Cassia Cinnamon.

But lest you think Cinnamon is just a spice, then think again. Because Cinnamon comes in many forms and includes Cinnamon Sticks, Cinnamon Power, and Cinnamon Sugar, Cinnamon Tea and Cinnamon Leaf Oil and Cinnamon Bark oil. While all of them have great health benefits each form of Cinnamon delivers a particular benefit. For example Cinnamon Leaf oil is often used in vapor therapy or aromatherapy, while Cinnamon sticks are great for baking and Asian cooking. Cinnamon Sugar can be used for everything from face scrubs to sprinkle on fruits and breakfast cereals.

So why is Cinnamon the best Christmas Gift of 2012? Because Cinnamon is a fun healthy gift that can be used by anyone.  More people are becoming health conscious. Many are looking for natural ways to improve nutrition and health in addition to diet and exercise.  Here are six reasons why Ceylon Cinnamon is the best Christmas Gift for 2012.

  1. Make Mulled Wine For Christmas – Everyone knows that a great mulled wine is essential for any family Christmas gathering. And a great Mulled Wine can only be made with Ceylon Cinnamon sticks. Primarily because Ceylon Cinnamon does not over power the mulled wine. It blends well with the other ingredients to create something incredibly healthy and tasty.
  2. Uplift the Mood and Keep the Toilets clean – Christmas can be a stressful time. A house full of relatives can often be a volatile combination, especially after a few drinks. A few drops of Cinnamon Oil mixed with water, burning in a diffuser in the corner will unknowingly improve everyone’s mood.  Try it! Cinnamon is a scent known to give you a quick pick me as well increasing cognitive abilities related to concentration, memory and alertness. Use it for a house or office Christmas party.
  3. Digest the Food – One of the travails and some would see say miseries of Christmas is the overeating of rich foods.  People put on so much weight during this short time; they spend the next 6 months trying to undue to damage. Well the best solution is to have a cup of Cinnamon Tea after each meal and cure the problem from ever happening. Cinnamon is a known digestive and will help reduce bloating and stomach ailments that come with over eating. It is also known to improve blood circulation and metabolism (for weight loss) by thinning your blood.  Add some honey to the Cinnamon Tea and your guests will thank you for making them feel great.
  4. Baking Opportunities – Use either freshly ground Ceylon Cinnamon or Cinnamon Sugar to create some memorable baked foods like Christmas Cookies, Christmas Mince Meat, Cinnamon Christmas Cake , Cinnamon Chocolate Cake  to name just a few. Nothing says Christmas like the smell of freshly baked Cinnamon foods.
  5. Disinfect the house – With so many visitors, kids, relatives and  a warm house it is easy to catch something. The germs are everywhere. In the car, on the door knobs, refrigerators, TV remote, light switches and toilets. Keep ahead by making a natural cinnamon disinfectant with Ceylon Cinnamon and wiping down everything, especially the toilets before the guests arrive.
  6. Look your best for Christmas with Cinnamon Sugar – With so many events to attend, so many relatives to meet, harried shopping, Christmas concerts to attend, your face and feet and going to suffer more than its usual damage. Make your own Cinnamon Orange Face and Foot Scrub and look your best for the season.

For a great range of healthy Cinnamon Gift Ideas visit Cinnamon Vogue. Plan ahead and order early. A gift of healthy is forever appreciated. The scent of Cinnamon will create warm memories that stand the test of time. Best of all you can say you chose the best Christmas gift for 2012.


12 Benefits of Cinnamon Tea

Unfortunately because the US FDA heavily regulates anything that can be used like a medicine, the FDA will no longer allow us to display any material or cite any research studies on the benefits of Cinnamon. Apparently we cannot even make a suggestion. This is an unfortunate turn of events but we must follow the law.

But we do make the best Cinnamon products in the World and hopefully you can get this valuable information from other sites. Admittedly they will not be as as comprehensive as ours but this is how Big Pharma controls your health.


Why Cinnamon Oil is vital for your health

cinnamon leaf oil Not many people in the United States know why Cinnamon Oil is vital for your health. If they did many of our health problems could be drastically reduced. The ancient Egyptians knew about the true power of Ceylon Cinnamon. The variety, that comes from the tiny island nation of Sri Lanka. Was that one of the reasons for their amazing success? Was it the reason they were able accomplish astonishing feats of engineering? Build the most amazing works of art. There is only one way to find out. Start using Ceylon Cinnamon leaf oil. So let’s take a closer look at what makes it so special.

Cinnamon comes from the inner bark of a tropical ever green tree. It takes a highly specialized artisan to strip the inner bark. First you need to remove the outer bark. Then through a process of steam distillation, the oil is extracted from this bark. The bark oil is of perfume quality. All you need is just a drop of this potent oil. Most people are quite shocked at how little is needed for any application. It is that powerful. Extremely refined and sophisticated. But far too expensive for everyday use. Which is why it is mostly used for food products like chocolates and a variety of manufactured food products.

What you need for everyday use is Cinnamon leaf oil. It has most of the properties of Cinnamon bark oil without the extreme cost. Cinnamon leaf oil is a germicidal, antiseptic, and antifungal. anthelmintic, antidiarrheal, antidote, antimicrobal, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antiputrescent, aphrodisiac, astingent, carminative, digestive, emmenagogue, hemostatic, orexigenic, parasticide, refrigerant, spasmolytic, stimulant, stomachic, and vermifuge. Wow what a long list right? I bet you can’t find another spice with a list like that.


cinnamon disinfectant

1. Homemade Disinfectant – Safe and can be used for any surface. What makes this natural disinfectant so unique is it can be used on any food preparation surface. Yes that means the wood or plastic cutting board that you cut chicken on. It means you can use it on the inside of your refrigerator. Why? Because it is not toxic and is a strong germicidal. – Use on toilets, inside and outside refrigerators, dishwashers, cutting boards, door knobs, microwaves, toilet bowl, toilet seats, sneakers and sneakers which are a particular harbinger of germs.

natural cinnamon mouthwash2. Cinnamon Mouthwash – Fights bad breadth and kills germs. Add one drop to 10oz of water and this makes a superb mouthwash that will kill any bacteria. For more effective results use Hydrogen peroxide instead of water. Great for smokers or those who have gum disease and really need to keep mouth bacteria at a healthy level.

cinnamon denture cleaner3. Natural Denture Cleaner – Mix 2 drops Cinnamon leaf oil.with 10 oz with hydrogen peroxide and  For sparkling clean dentures, many dentists recommend soaking them in hydrogen peroxide. Adding Cinnamon leaf oil addresses any bacteria issues. You may want to adjust the mixture ratio if two drops are not enough but make sure you wash it after you soak it overnight. Increasing the ratio may irritate your skin so you need to adjust to suit your own preferences and to get the right blend of germ killing effects.

cinnamon orange face scrub4. Cinnamon Face Scrub – Add two drops to give it strong antiseptic, anti-microbial properties and germicidal effects. Environental factors expose our face to severe damage and adding Cinnamon leaf oil a highly effective way to get rid of facial bacteria. Click here to see our previous on how to make your own home natural Cinnamon Orange Face Scrub.

cinnamon athletes foot cure5. Athletes Foot Wash– Mix with no more than 1% Cinnamon leaf oil in a bucket of warm water and soak your feet. If you tend wear close shoes for most of the day or are a heavy runner, a natural antiseptic Cinnamon leaf oil is a must to keep any fungal infections at bay.

cinnamon oil diffuser6. Cinnamon oil Diffuser – If you have winter blues this is the thing for a quick pick me up. Cinnamon is known to improve cognitive function. Add just two drops to 2 tablespoons of water and burn  it in a diffuser to bath the whole house with this magnificent scent. You will be quite amazed at how powerful just three drops of Cinnamon leaf oil can be.

cinnamon athletes foot cure7. Odor neutralizer – If you have had a bad case of diarrhea (and who hasn’t  the smell can be positively highly radioactive. Often you have to throw up a containment zone that could a run a few blocks. Fabreze is not going to cut. Use all natural Cinnamon leaf oils which has the added advantage of being a germ killer. Especially after diarrhea, the air particulates can be particularly nasty and only Cinnamon leaf oil can count as the most effective natural disinfectant. Click here to read our previous post on how to make all natural cinnamon disinfectant.

cinnamo insect repellant8. Insect repellent – Gets rid of black ants, kills Mosquito larvae, pesky household insects from roaches to flies. Use the natural cinnamon disinfectant formula to spray and wipe all areas in the kitchen with Cinnamon Leaf Oil. Regular use will keep these insects at bay. For stubborn ants or roaches spray undiluted (wear gloves) and wipe with a wet microfiber cloth but in most cases this is not necessary. Just a whiff of this stuff is enough to keep them away but flies may need a stronger solution.

cinnamon bed bug killer9. Bed Bugs – We all know about the recent bug epidemic right? Spray on mattresses to kill dust mites and bed bugs. For beg bugs consider 10:1 dilution ratio and adjust to an even stronger mixture as necessary. Let it dry naturally but not in the sun as exposure to sun will evaporate the leaf oil before it has had time to work. If you can catch a bed bug and see what mixture ratio will work so much the better. 100% will work for sure but that might make the mattress unusable as skin irritations and the strong smell will over power you, killing both you and the bud bugs.

cinnamon shampoo disinfectant10. Natural disinfecting Shampoo – If you don’t want to make your own natural shampoo, then consider adding just one drop of Cinnamon leaf oil into your normal shampoo. That will ensure your hair is not only naturally disinfected but also help keep away those stubborn head lice that your children keep getting and seem impossible to get rid of.

cinnamon oil washing clothes 11. Washing clothes – Dilute in the ratio 68:1 and use to wash pillows, children’s fluffy toys like teddy bears, blankets. Or add 3 drops to your regualr washload. The best way to do this is to mix three drops into a glass of water and add to where the bleach goes. Will not stain clothes but check to see just to make sure.


    1. Wear gloves when you mix Cinnamon leaf oil as direct contact with dlution may irritate skin. It won’t kill ya but touch your genitals or rub your eyes after direct contact with cinnamon leaf oil  and you are going to be hopping around quite a bit.
    2. Good quality ultra pure Cinnamo leaf oil is very potent so you only need to add only a drop. Many people including ourselves were tempted to add more Cinnamon leaf oil. Don’t! All you need is just a drop or two for most applications for very effective results.

To purchase Ceylon Cinnamon products visit