Consumer Reports – The Pitfalls of Cancer Screening Tests

cancer tests_1According to the March 2013 Consumer Reports, many cancer tests are unnecessary, inconclusive, expensive and wasteful. The main criticism that Consumer Reports raises is the fact that cancer tests are done by vested interests, presumably the entire medical industry who stand to make money. This is of course very true, because we all know the medical industry like your shrink has no interest in curing you or even preventing medical ailments in the first place. The money is in the treatment.

Some cancer are not deadly – Removing small non aggressive cancers often at considerable expensive has side effects like bone loss, infection, impotence, incontinence and anxiety. Why do it when it is not necessary.
Screening is too lateFor some cancers, if it shows up on the screening, then it is too late to do anything about it. So why waste money on these expensive tests is the rationale.
Cancer cells can appear and disappear – Apparently most tests cannot distinguish between harmless or deadly cancer cells which is further complicated by the appearance or disappearance of cancer cells.
The numbers are misleading – Consumer reports says the cancer survival stats are often misused and cites the Susan G. Kormen Foundation as one that uses statistics in a misleading way.
Three cancer tests to get -  Cervical,Colon and Breast Cancer. All others are a waste of money

But it does make for fascinating reading at Consumer Reports if you have a subscription.

Our Bottom Line : The medical industry as a whole in the United States is totally screwed up. They will leave you in financial ruin if given the slightest chance and that includes your personal Doctor.

The best strategy is to eat in moderation, maintain a healthy weight, avoid any GM foods, stop eating an overabundance of processed food, exercise, meditate, eat spices like Cinnamon, get some Sun and yes do have a few tests but never ever take what the Doctor tells you at face value. Research and give them a hard time.

If you cannot afford an American Doctor visit this great hospital in India called Narayana Hrudayalaya, which is without a doubt one of the best cardiac facilities in the world and meets or exceeds world standards for many operable medical procedures.